WNY Media Arts Show, Feb 29, 2008

The WNY MATA Media Arts Show will be held at the University at Buffalo’s Center for the Arts on Feb 29, 2008. Students will have the opportunity to show their work — including video, computer art, and photography — to their peers and to professional artists. Students may also take the opportunity to apply to the NYS Summer School of Media Arts. But students need not bring work to enjoy the event. We’ll also have tours of the Departments of Visual Studies and Media Study, and hand-on workshops.

Back by popular demand – Scannergrams, Flash animation, and digital iron-on transfers. Apple Inc. will demonstrate podcasting: making a podcast with Garageband, and how to share them with collaboration technologies like wikis and blogs.

Please keep the following in mind for students who will be presenting work:

1. Videos should be no longer than 5 minutes each.
2. Supply either a QuickTime file on a Macintosh compatible disk; or a  mini DV tape, queued and labeled.
3. Include student’s name, grade and school.
4. Please mail the work in by Feb 17, 2008. We will make an effort to include work received after the 17th, or brought in the day of the show, but we cannot guarantee there will be enough time. Mail to:
WNY MATA Show Video
c/o Carl Lee
239 Center for the Arts
Buffalo, NY 14260

Photos or digital prints
1. Work should be matted or mounted. If mounting is not possible, prints should at least be organized in a portfolio case or binder.
2. A quantity of 8-10 prints is recommended.

For more info, email Dom Licata.

Download the WNY MATA Media Show schedule.

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