Graduate Certificate in Media Literacy / University of Rhode Island / Media Education Lab

We welcome you to enroll in EDC 534, Seminar in Digital Authorship, taught during the Spring 2015 semester. This fully-online course will be taught by Renee Hobbs using an open-network learning environment, where we’ll explore the theory and practice of expanding forms of authorship in a digital age. We’ll use Google Hangouts, Twitter, YouTube and several other creative multimedia production platforms, exploring and analyzing various instructional strategies that enable students to be authors of their own learning.

DATES: Course runs January 26 – May 2, 2015

TIME: This is a fully-online course with optional, non-required Google Hangouts each Monday from 7 – 8 p.m.

LOCATION: Take this graduate-level class from the comfort of your home – all meetings, activities and work occurs online


Click here to learn more about how to register 

Stay tuned! We will be sending out more information in February about the Summer Institute in Digital Literacy, scheduled for July 25 – 31, 2015.

For those of you who are moving towards completing the certificate program, know that we’re proud of you. You are pioneers!

Julie Coiro and Renee Hobbs
Co-Directors, Graduate Certificate in Digital Literacy


Call for Work: 1st Annual WNY High School Media Arts Juried Exhibition and MATA Show

WNY MATA Call For Work

Juried Exhibition

March 8–14, 2014

Closing Reception

Thursday, March 13, 5–7pm

MATA Show & Exhibition Awards Ceremony

Friday March 14, 9am–1pm

University at Buffalo
Dept of Visual Studies Gallery
B45 Center for the Arts, North Campus

Download the flyer (245kb PDF)

Call for Work

The Western New York Region of the Media Arts Teachers Association and the UB Departments of Visual Studies and Media Study announce the 1st Annual High School Media Arts Juried Exhibition. All area high school media art students are invited to submit work. A Closing Reception will be held for students and their families in the Gallery on March 13, 5-7pm.


Prizes will be awarded to the top four works as selected by jurors.

  • Best of Show: $100
  • 1st Place: $75
  • 2nd Place: $50
  • 3rd place: $25

Awards will be announced during the annual MATA Show at UB on Mach 14.

WNY MATA Annual Media Arts Show

Teachers and students are invited to attend the annual MATA Show from 9am–1pm at the UB Center for the Arts. The event features hands-on media workshops, student work viewing, and tours of the Departments of Media Study and Visual Studies. Contact MATA Director Liz Randell <> for info.


Students are invited to apply to the New York State Summer School of Media Arts. A NYSSSA adjudicator will be present to speak with applicants on March 14 from 9am–1pm. Applicants must present a completed application and a portfolio of prints or video, according to the guidelines.

Exhibition Criteria

  • The following media are accepted: Photography, Graphic Design, Film, Video, Animation, Sound Art.
  • Maximum four 2D and/or two electronic (five minutes or less each) pieces per student. Jurors will decide which, if any, works from each entrant will be included.
  • All 2D work must be ready to hang (unframed white or black mats) with top indicated. The mount should have stable hardware or margins to display the work with exhibit pins or magnets.
  • Film, Video, Animation and Sound Art should be MP4/H.264 or MPEG-4 (video) and mp3 (audio) provided on a Data-DVD or flash drive.
  • Each piece must be labeled on the back with Name, School & teacher name, grade, title, and medium.
  • Each body of work must include an Artist’s Statement of no more than one page. Please format using 12 pt Arial or Helvetica. Statements should include Artist’s Name, Grade and School Name. Each piece should not be described individually, but instead a general statement should address the overall intent of the artist.

Exhibition Dates

March 8–14, 2014
Closing Reception: March 13, 5–7pm
MATA Show & Exhibition Awards Ceremony: Friday March 14, 9am–1pm
Visual Studies Lower Gallery

Drop-off  Work

March 3 – 6, 11am – 6pm
Art Resource Center
B41 Center for the Arts, UB North Campus

Pick-up Work

Friday, March 14, 1pm – 4pm
from the Gallery, B45 CFA
Saturday, March 15, 11am – 5pm
from the Art Resource Center, B41 CFA

The Jury

The 5-member jury will tentatively consist of faculty from the Departments of Media Study and Visual Studies, 2 representatives from local arts organizations, and a NYSSSA Media Arts alumnus.


Domenic J. Licata, UB Visual Studies