Our Mission
To promote visual and media literacy and encourage our young emerging media artists to be the creative, critical thinkers of the 21st Century. We foster collegiality among our members and actively support the New York State Summer Schools of the Arts (MediaArts).

The New York State Media Arts Teachers’ Association is an organization of media arts educators who teach photography, video, film, computer art, creative sound and other related media. MATA is primarily an arts organization, however, membership is open to English, Social Studies, Technology teachers and others teaching Media Arts. Industry professionals and anyone interested in encouraging media literacy among today’s youth are invited to become members. MATA has five regional chapters: Western New York, the Capital Region, the Lower Hudson Valley, New York City and Long Island.
Some of the benefits that MATA members enjoy:
- Invitation to the regional Media Arts Shows
- Local educational, professional development and social meetings
- Curriculum support
- Preparation for students applying to the New York State Summer School of Media Arts
- Online discussion – members may post news and other items to this blog
- Professional Development opportunities
- Monthly newsletter
- Opportunity to showcase your students’ work online and at regional shows
“MATA is a wonderful resource for teachers of the media arts in New York State.” — Mary C. Daley, Former State Education Department Executive Director, New York State Summer Schools of the Arts.